People were left wondering how did Jessica Simpson lose weight because of how amazing she looked in her movie roles. Hollywood actors are always changing their physical physique for whatever their role requires. They all seem to have an unfair advantage because of what their money can buy. This includes the best personal trainers at their exclusive gyms, top cooks that make the tastiest low-fat meals, and dietitians that give them the most fine-tuned diets. Jessica Simpson took this model and took it to extremes.
Just like all Hollywood actors Jessica had her personal trainer, Mike Alexander, with her every step of the way to ensure that her fitness levels were on point. What she did to stay motivated was almost to the point of fanaticism. She had Mike Alexander sit with her at every meal and watch every bite that she took. This went on for three months while Jessica Simpson was living in Baton Rouge shooting "The Dukes of Hazzard." He even lived in the same house with her for the entire duration so that he could keep an eye on her eating habits. How did Jessica Simpson lose weight? Easy, she did it with an unfair advantage that most of us will not have the luxury of.
Jessica Simpson's workouts were spent doing intense cardio and some light lifting. She was reported to spend nearly two hours a day in the gym and more than an hour doing various cardiovascular exercises. The weight training that she did do was targeting her rear seeing how she was attempting to squeeze into those tiny shorts for the movie. Her lifting included lunges and squats. The "butt builders" are what we would call them in the fitness world.
Jessica Simpson lost weight by having an accountability buddy that lived with her and watched her 24/7. If you feel that this is a luxury that you cannot afford don't worry because there are other ways around this. Find your own accountability buddy that will push you to work harder and make you better. It can be a partner you meet at the gym every day that you have to face and be honest with your diet. It can be a coworker that you can have lunch with every day and they can keep you in check when you want to cheat. My favorite is to challenge someone to a weight lost contest and the loser buys chow. Competition always seems to bring out the best in people.